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Welcome to Seaton's Mini Me Boutique

Brand Reps Wanted

1. Required to purchase one new release outfit per month at their 25% off discounted price.
2. Required to take and post uncluttered and not blurry photos within 5 days of receiving outfit.
3. Required to promote through all social media channels and to share and like posts from Seaton's Mini Me Boutique. They should be posting at least 3x's per week. (with Rep code) 
4. Comment in Seaton's Mini Me Boutique VIP group and page posts and invite friends.  
5. Contract may be cancelled with mutual agreement.
6. Must submit 3 nonprofessional photos of your child along with this application.

What you get!

1. Rep. receives 25% off all purchases.
2. Rep receives 10% for all family and friends.
3. Rep will be featured on our website with a small bio and photos.
4. Rep will receive a FREE outfit once $125 in outside sales is reached using Rep code (only one per month). 
5. Rep will receive 3 $20 discount codes to give away via contest, to help promote Rep Code. 

Please note that we love ALL children and will consider all applicants.

Please contact us below. Please include the following information about your child. Also, you may send photos to and include the following information.  
  • Parent/Guardian name
  • address
  • phone number 
  • Rep Name 
  • Rep age 
  • Rep Birthday 
  • Unique information about Rep
  • 3 nonprofessional photos